Resolutions + Quiz
Traditionally, across the WI in England and Wales, May is the month when branches consider the resolution(s) to be put forward at the National Annual Meeting in June: resolution(s) that determine the WI’s next national campaign hoping to improve the world we live in. Earlier campaigns led to the formation of the anti-litter charity, Keep Britain Tidy, and to improving housing – a WI ‘model’ house was exhibited at a post-war Ideal Homes exhibition and made a real difference in new estates from then on.
More recently there have been ‘eco-resolutions’ and, not surprisingly resolutions relating to women’s health. Once a resolution is agreed upon, the WI campaigns in Parliament, nationally through the media, and locally through enthusiastic WIs and individuals.
The resolution for 2022 concerned women and girls with ASD and ADHD being under-diagnosed and under-supported. Asby members had an opportunity to read relevant literature beforehand so after a short discussion it was agreed that Asby WI was not prepared to support the resolution this year. They felt NFWI money could be better spent continuing to support earlier campaigns. Our representative at the National Annual Meeting (from another local WI) would be directed to vote against the resolution on our behalf.
With business over, members were then treated to a very enjoyable quiz session organised by Anne Hulse. Small groups of twos or threes, which changed for each quiz, tackled three quite different brain-teasers followed by a joint attempt at a puzzle which required much divergent thinking! Winners were Annie Johnson (52 points), Lisa Harrington (50), and Helen Cooper & Pam Cowey (48). More than one person thanked Anne for all her preparation.
Anne Hulse won the raffle; Helen Cooper and Lisa Harrington prepared refreshments.
The meeting closed at 3.50 pm.