“Pass the Parcel”
Traditionally, Asby WI’s December meeting is a social one, and this year’s was no exception. Unfortunately the heating in the village hall, although having been switched on in preparation earlier, had been switched off, so an early decision was taken to de-camp to the president’s home for the afternoon. At the business meeting members learned their tree had been voted second by folks attending St Peter’s Christmas Fair: they were beaten by one vote by Asby Endowed School’s entry but still received a chocolate consolation prize to share. Plans for the new year programme were confirmed and then a fun afternoon followed with a huge pass-the-parcel which had been prepared by Annie Johnson, president.
Annie had interwoven a small prize in each wrapping layer together with the occasional request for a nursery rhyme forfeit. There were sufficient little prizes for members to go home with at least four each and members’ knowledge of nursery rhymes was well up to coping with the forfeits.