“Poetry & Plonk”
Just like Julius Caesar’s Gaul Asby WI’s November meeting was in three parts!
Under the guidance of member, Anne Hulse, the afternoon began with everyone making a sunflower to decorate the WI’s contribution to the display of Christmas trees in St Peter’s Church. Carefully prepared packs of materials enabled all present to make a perfect flower to adorn the WI’s entry ready for Advent Sunday and the church’s Christmas Fair.
The business meeting then followed before the main, and third, part of the afternoon took place: a session called ‘Poetry and Plonk’. Wine, non-alcoholic drinks and nibbles were provided by members of the committee and enjoyed as each member read aloud at least one poem. These ranged from works by Thomas Hardy through AA Milne to local author, Jackie Huck. Some poems were nostalgic, some country-based while many were humorous, and many were completely new to those listening.