In 2009 Asby History Group agreed to take part in the ‘Our Green Space’ project, the aim of which was to involve communities in celebrating the heritage and culture of open green spaces in Cumbria. The project partners were Friends of the Lake District and Voluntary Action Cumbria with funding coming from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
One aspect of the project’s activities in Asby was to research the history of the buildings surrounding our village greens, together with the people that lived in them and their occupations over a hundred years ago.
Researching the Information
The primary sources of information were the 1910 Valuation Office survey which is in the National Archive at Kew and the 1911 census records. Based on our research we commissioned illustrations of the buildings as we believed they would have been around 1911.
The information collected was used to produce a booklet and an interpretation panel, a large scale version of which is in the village bus shelter.
The Interpretation Panel
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