Welcome to Great Asby, Cumbria
The Cumbrian parish of Asby is located in the former county of Westmorland, and lies in the northern part of the Yorkshire Dales National Park (the Westmorland Dales). Very much a rural area, it encompasses two villages, Great Asby and Little Asby, together with the Great Asby Scar National Nature Reserve. Great Asby lies 5 miles south of the historic county town of Appleby-in-Westmorland.
18th February 2025
Asby Parish Council
What does it do?
Who’s on it?
When does it meet?
Where does it spend our money?
Travel News
Departs at 09:35, returns at 12:00 or 14:25.
Journey time = 15 minutes.
Payments need to be made by ‘phone at the time of booking.
For more information please ring 01539 713350 between 9am and 12pm.

The Asby Parish Message Service distributes local notices to residents and others with an interest in the parish.
If you wish to receive these emails you must register on this website. It’s free and requires just your name and email address.