The Great Asby Book Club began life with the new millennium. Initially there were half a dozen founder members but it soon grew to around 10-12. Each month the person whose book has been chosen will host the meeting and lead the discussion.
The book club is run on an informal basis, we meet at 8pm on the first Thursday of the month. All are welcome to attend our meetings – whether you have read the book or not – no fees or membership necessary.
There are no hard and fast rules with regard to choosing the books, different formats have been tried and tested with varying degrees of success. At present, every six months or so members are asked to submit a synopsis of a book that they have read, or would like to read. One member then collates the selections and sends the list to all members, who then vote in the order of their preferences. This allows for a flexible system where members are able to choose in advance if they feel unable to read the chosen book for each meeting within the timescale.
Usually the discussion is opened with a brief introduction to the book and continues with informal questions and answers, which can result in an interesting and lively debate. The length of the discussion is fluid. One new member remarked “I was pleasantly surprised at the depth of discussion and the degree to which members interpret a book differently”. There is always a warm and friendly atmosphere and new members are always welcomed. Occasionally the group meet in a member’s home for a showing of the film version of a recently discussed book, and to enjoy a bring and share supper with wine.
For more information contact
Gina – , or Erica –
Members of the Book Club often read books that they would like to recommend to other members.
Why not pass on your suggestions, or comment on others’ ideas?