Asby History Group

wed05feb20:00Asby History GroupThe Geological History of the River Lune20:00 Asby Village Hall

The River Lune

Event Details

“The Geological History of the River Lune from the Ice Age until the present day”


Presenter: Paul Carling

This talk will explore how we can decypher the history of rivers from the evidence in the landscape. The river courses we see today are not static but have changed through time and will continue to change, through natural processes, if but slowly when seen from a human perspective.

The major river valleys of Lakeland and the Pennines we see today, probably were recognizable just before the Ice Age commenced. This talk follows the physical evolution of the River Lune as it was affected by a covering of glacial ice. At the end of the Ice Age, the Lune was a river draining meltwater from the retreating ice front. The land surface began to rebound upwards as the weight of ice was removed, at the same time as the sea level rose. These two processes led to waves of incision into the riverbed forming river terraces (benches) either side of the course as far as Lancaster. Dating when the sediment in the terraces was deposited allows a timescale to be produced for the river’s history.

The river history continues due to present-day climate change.

AHG members free; non-members £5 




(Wednesday) 20:00


Asby Village Hall

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Contact ATG

Please feel free to contact the Group Officers, as follows:

Chair – Dan Docker

Secretary – Keith Cooper

Treasurer – Lisa Harrington

Donations to ATG

If you would like to support the work of the Tree Group by making a donation to help cover the costs of essential tree guards or the purchase of trees for planting, that would be very much appreciated.

Account details are:
Account Name: Asby Tree Group
Sort code: 20-55-41
Account number : 50979708

ATG Activities

We will be working with local landowners to identify small areas of land that can be used to plant trees or hedges. Occasional requests will go out to members, seeking volunteers to survey areas of land to assess the age and health of trees and to identify possible planting areas, as well as to take part in planting trees and hedges. These activities will normally be scheduled to last for no more than three hours.

The Tree Group has insurance to cover members carrying out these activities.

ATG Membership

A membership form can be downloaded here,
or obtained from the Secretary:
Keith Cooper

There is currently no membership fee.

COVID Policy (Feb.2022)

Unfortunately Covid-19 has not gone away, and we still want everyone to feel safe whilst being able to enjoy the film.

  • We use ‘cabaret-style’ seating around suitably spaced tables.
  • We recommend that you continue to wear a face covering when moving around the village hall, though this may be removed whilst you are seated.
  • It would also be appreciated if you could complete an antigen (lateral flow) test before attending.  (We are more than happy to refund your ticket should your test unfortunately prove positive.)

Opening Hours Xmas 2021

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