Asby Parish Council is constituted to have five councillors who stand for election every four years. Councillors respond to the needs and views of the local community, discuss issues, comment on proposals, and make decisions collectively as the Council.
All councillors are bound by a Code of Conduct.
NOTE: Parish Council Election, 2 May 2019
No candidates put themselves forward for election on the 2nd May meaning that Asby Parish Council is not quorate from the end of the current council’s term on the 1st May 2019.
Parish elections are organised by Eden District Council and it is their intention to re-run an election for Asby Parish in June or perhaps in parallel with possible European Parliament elections if these proceed.
Eden District Council Notice: Temporary Appointment of Members, July 2019.
Previous Parish Councillors 2015-19:
The Council employs a Clerk who ensures that it carries out its business lawfully, provides advice and administrative support, implements the Council’s decisions, and manages its finances.