Welcome to the Asby branch of the
Womens’ Institute.
Members are sorry to announce that Asby WI closed at the end of March 2023.
The ladies were disappointed at having had to make the decision as the Institute would have celebrated its centenary in 2024. A decreasing membership meant limited income available to pay speakers’ fees and hall hire, and no one was in a position to serve as the nationally-required officers. So, unfortunately, there was no choice but to close.
A number of members have now transferred their membership to Colby WI which meets on the third Thursday of the month in Colby village hall. For details of Colby’s programme contact Colby’s Treasurer, Claire Jeffery on . Car sharing to attend the monthly meeting is arranged from Asby, especially in winter months.
You will be made very welcome.
In 1915 the Womens’ Institute set out to give women a voice, to be a force for good in the community. A trusted place for women, run by women of all generations – an opportunity to share experiences, challenge yourself or learn from someone with real experience, first hand.
The same is true today.
For many, the WI is an opportunity to share knowledge and learn new skills with other women, coming together socially where you will be listened to and be heard. Whether it’s Family History, Spring Cookery, Experiences of a Himalayan trip or Poetry & Plonk there’s an interest for everyone and always something new to learn.
Some join to campaign; the WI has a voice on the issues of today, from climate change to children’s diet, from human trafficking to supermarket expansion. And it’s a voice people really listen to.
For everyone who joins the WI there is the freedom to make what you want of it. Whatever you choose, the WI promises to be a source of friendship, inspiration and enjoyment.
Asby WI meet regularly on the second Tuesday of the month (except January) at 7.30pm in Great Asby Village Hall. There is a speaker, activity or demonstration and the chance to chat over a cup of tea. See the Diary of Future Events opposite for further details of our current programme.
We also organise occasional outings and visits and there is the opportunity to join other WI’s in the local area at their events.
Below you can also read the reports of our most recent meetings.
Asby WI instigated a Knit & Natter (craft) group who meet on the second and fourth Mondays of the month in members’ homes. Bring your own craft to do, perhaps knit squares for blankets, or just come along for coffee and a chat.
WI members and non-members are all very welcome.
We meet at 2pm. The dates and venues are published on the ‘What’s On’ Calendar on the front page of this website and in “Asby Matters”.
The WI is arranged into Federations; Asby WI is part of Cumbria Westmorland Federation of WIs (CWFWI). You can find lots more information about them at their web site. We all receive a monthly newsletter, “WI News”, from them with details of lots of events in our area. You can check their 2017 Diary of Events.
The National Federation of Women’s Institutes represents all the WIs in England, Wales and offshore islands. Your annual subscription includes 8 copies per year of a glossy magazine, “WI Life”, which is delivered directly to every member. Lots more information about the WI nationally is available at their web site.
If you would like to come along, with no commitment to join straight away, or simply get more information, then contact:-
or just come along to a meeting, you will be made most welcome.
Reports from Recent Meetings

Asby WI - 25 March 2023
'Final Fling' Afternoon Tea
As a final Flourish members organised an Afternoon Teas fund-raiser, to which former members of Asby WI were invited. We were delighted that nine were able to join us (with Jackie Lambert coming all the way from Northumberland to do so) as well as residents from and visitors to the village. There were more than 30 customers during the event.
Besides a loaded table of delicious foods to choose from, there was a display to peruse of Scrapbooks that dated back many, many years. Members, both former and current, spent time looking through these, happily reminiscing on earlier times as they did so.
Read the full report
Asby WI - March 2023
Riding for the Disabled
The March WI meeting was an Open Meeting with members from at least five other WIs attending. They came to hear guest speaker Karen Hanks – President, Cumberland-Westmorland Federation , speak about her voluntary work with the Riding for the Disabled Association.
She began by openly admitting that the WI was not her first and foremost ‘love’ – that was her obsession with horses! Working on Walney at Seaview Riding Stables the RDA holds weekly riding school sessions on Wednesday mornings for 10 disabled youngsters from four schools. These lessons are provided free and, with adapted equipment - several items of which Karen passed round - enable the children not only to enjoy riding but also to gain in confidence, improve physical well-being, get a different perspective on life from up on a horse, and even aid speech development: the children talk to the ponies, not to their tutors!
Read the full report
Asby WI - December/January 2023
New Year & alternative Norway
The month of January is now, traditionally, Asby WI’s ‘holiday’ month. However, that doesn’t mean the ladies don’t get together. This year, they met at the ‘Crown and Cushion’ in Appleby for a very tasty meal and social evening with just the merest ‘hint’ of WI business.
In February Asby WI were expecting a repeat visit from Vivienne Tredidga for part two of her ‘Life in the Arctic’ talks. Unfortunately her mother was taken ill and Vivienne had to cancel her visit at the last minute. However, that didn’t stop the ladies meeting as usual.
Business Matters of the afternoon included making catering arrangements for the Open Meeting (Riding for the Disabled with Federation President, Karen Hanks) and the afternoon teas which will raise funds for the Ankoma Project and Hospice at Home. Both of these events are being held in March.
Read the full reportNote: To access ALL the meeting reports from the last 12 months just choose to read the full version of any of those above, then select from the list of past meetings.